Look for Johnson Rags Dance Club at the beautiful TAF Wells Community Cultural Center.
If you are unfamiliar with the Wells Center, please take a few minutes at the first few dances to look around and get comfortable with this beautiful, historic building. The art galleries on the dance floor level will always be open to us to enjoy on dance nights. Check out the artwork or just sit and visit. TAF is happy to share their home with us!
Parking, Entry & Restrooms
Here is parking, building entry and restroom information to ease your transition to the Wells Center:
The street address of the Wells Center is 638 North Street, but if you use that address your GPS will take you to the front (south) of the building which is street parking and not the door we will be using.
Please do not use Wintek lot that faces the park on Brown Street. That lot belongs to Wintek, not TAF. Street parking is your alternative if the TAF lot is full.