Our mission is to provide “fun, fellowship and social ballroom dance opportunities.” We are a social ballroom dance club in Lafayette, Indiana. Ballroom Dancing in Greater Lafayette since 1976!
2022-23/2023-24 Board:
- Patrick Harper, President
- Kathleen Groves, Member
- Harry Smith, Secretary/Treasurer
- Linda Miller, Immediate Past President
2021-22 Officers:
- Linda Miller, President
- Patrick Harper, Vice President
- (vacant), Member at Large
- Harry Smith, Secretary/Treasurer
- Yung Shinn, Immediate Past President
2020-21 Officers:
- Yung Shin, President
- Linda Miller, Vice President
- Patrick Harper, Member at Large
- Harry Smith, Secretary/Treasurer
- Charlotte McGaw, Immediate Past President
Past Presidents:
- 1976-77 Roz Sutherland
- 1977-78 Robert Hinds
- 1978-79 Mary Butler
- 1979-80 Peggy Cassen
- 1980-81 Olive Rainey
- 1981-82 Marjorie Dalby
- 1982-83 Marilyn Robbins
- 1983-84 Doris Grafnitz
- 1984-85 Irene Seders
- 1985-86 Larry Swartz
- 1986-87 Bob Thomas
- 1987-88 Bob Hoey
- 1988-89 Katy Conn
- 1989-90 Jerry Brandon
- 1990-91 Jim Murray
- 1991-92 Mary Lannerd
- 1992-93 Bill Asher
- 1993-94 Jim Anderson
- 1994-95 Essie Lutes
- 1995-96 Harry Smith (active)
- 1996-97 John Wellman
- 1997-98 Dee Kingma
- 1998-99 John Anderson
- 1999-00 Verla Weeder
- 2000-01 Lucy Allen
- 26 2001-02 Barbara Shoemaker
- 2002-03 Less McDowall
- 2003-04 Jane Martin
- 2004-05 Mary McManus
- 2005-06 George Tsao/Steve Harper
- 2006-07 Steven Harper (active)
- 2007-08 Karen Brewer
- 2008-09 Chuck Caldwell (active)
- 2009-10 Vicki Elkins
- 2010-11 Dave McGaw (active)
- 2011-12 Geri Warner
- 2012-13 Bill Ferner (active)
- 2013-14 Beverly Brewer/Bill Ferner
- 2014-15 Wally Bielat/Steve Harper
- 2015-16 Donna Stonehill (active)
- 2016-17 Ken Ferraro (active)
- 2017-18 Barb Nolan (active)
- 2018-19 Wayne Jones (active)
- 2019-20 Charlotte McGaw (active)
- 2020-21 Yung Shin (active)
- 2021-22 Linda Miller (active)
- 2022-23 Patrick Harper (active)
- 2023-24 Patrick Harper (active)
- Ellen Snellenbarger: 1976-77 to 1979-80, 1983-84 to 1998-99
- Rita Manis: 1980-81 to 1982-83
- Larry Swartz: 1999-2000 to 2001-02
- Harry Smith: 2002-03 to present
Constitution Revised April 12 2008
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